Is your child interested in playing lacrosse this spring? We have the program for you, whether they are learning lacrosse for the first time or just want to expand their skills!

This Spring we are bringing together the local area to kick off a rec lacrosse league with teams in three locations! Our three teams will be the Alamance Rams, the Chapel Hill Cheetahs, and the Orange County Orcas. Each team will practice at least once a week at their home location and have a weekend game with one of the local teams. Members of this team may also play against other local teams from other leagues.

The Alamance Rams will practice at the Mebane Arts and Community Center on Tuesday and Friday nights from 6-7pm- 633 Corregidor St, Mebane, NC 27302

The Chapel Hill Cheetas will practice at Homestead Park in Chapel Hill on Wednesday nights. 5:30 pm- 6:30 pm. The address for this field is 100 Northern Park Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27516

The Orange County Orcas will practice at the Hillsborough Sports Plex on Monday Nights from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm. The address for this field is 101 Meadowlands Dr, Hillsborough, NC 27278

Any player who participates in our league is allowed to practice with the rest of our programs at any of their other locations. Games will be played on Saturday or Sunday afternoons at one of the host sites for these games.


What is Orange County Recreational Lacrosse?

Now in our fifth year running this program, Orange County Recreational Lacrosse, our program teaches the fundamentals of lacrosse to interested young athletes in Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Hillsborough, and the surrounding areas, including Alamance, Durham, and Chatham counties. Since lacrosse is not a school-sponsored sport in the Orange County area until 6th grade, many young athletes can’t play outside of select or travel lacrosse. Our program fills this gap by offering the opportunity for younger athletes to get their first experiences in lacrosse. By focusing on being recreational, players will have the opportunity to learn in a fun yet educational environment. 

Our goal is to teach the sport of lacrosse through play. Every night when we get together, players will practice the fundamentals of the sport before finishing the night with playing. This is a great way for new players to pick up the sport.

This year, we plan to practice on Tuesdays and Sundays while playing games on Saturday mornings.

Who will be teaching my children?

The Orange County Orcas program is sponsored by the Carolina Hilltopper club lacrosse program. Members of our coaching staff include Chandler Zirkle, head coach of Orange High School, and Jacob Eller, a local high school coach and four-year college lacrosse player at Lycoming University. In addition to these veteran coaches, players will have access to other local high school and college lacrosse players. Parent volunteers are more than welcome to join us in working with our players as the more assistance we have the better.

Who is eligible?

Our program is open to interested lacrosse players in grades third through fifth. Lacrosse experience is not required to play. We are open to training anyone who is interested in playing lacrosse. We teach and train boys lacrosse; however, girls are welcome to play as well. 

What is the time frame for the season?

Our season will run from the first week of March, through Sunday, May 4th. 


All of our session will take place in either Mebane, Chapel Hill, or Hillsborough.

What is required to play? 

To participate in our team players will need a lacrosse stick, helmet, gloves, arm pads, shoulder pads, and a mouthpiece. Cleats are also highly encouraged. Players who do not own their equipment can contact us to find the best places to purchase gear. We recommend entry-level equipment; you don’t need expensive sticks or other equipment, which some vendors love to sell to new families. We highly recommend the local Play-It-Again Sports locations and Dick’s Sporting Goods as places to buy first-time player equipment. Participants should bring their water bottles to practice as well.

How do I register? 

To sign up your child to participate in our Orange County Recreational Lacrosse Program, please use the below link. The cost to participate is $150 for the spring season; however, families who need financial assistance can contact us to apply for scholarship assistance. We want everyone who would like to play to have the ability to participate in youth lacrosse. Residents of Mebane will receive a $75 discount as this opportunity is being subsidized by the Mebane Parks and Recreation Department. 


* The Orange County Recreational Lacrosse League is sponsored by the Carolina Hilltopper Select Lacrosse Program. However, no club affiliation is required to participate.

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out via email to or